Originally written on September 11, 2020
On the evening of September 11, 2020, I’ve reflected on the events of that beautiful day 19 years ago that was so marred by unthinkable violence, incredible loss, and unquenchable grief.
As a vow myself to Never Forget, there comes a knot in my stomach as I truly remember the events of that day. Like most everyone else in our country who was cognizant of the events, I can remember the shock, the horror, the disbelief, the fear, the hurt (for those on the scene), the admiration (for rescuers who responded immediately), and the unease (for what the future would hold).
We all so often get lost in the details and emotions of such a tragic and monumental event that we can hardly see past the dust and debris. Our ears are so full of the blare of sirens, the cries for help, and the sounds of mourning, that we can scarcely distinguish any other voice or message.
It’s not until we have the space for healing that we can look back and possibly find anything that resembles good that came from such events. As many have lamented, lives were forever changed on that day. We can all see how lives were lost and families are now missing loved ones. There were gaping holes left, not just in buildings, but in hearts.
As we remember the details of that fateful day, I also remember the Day After.
You know that feeling when you’re reveling on the edge of deep sleep, still in that foggy state, but thoughts start to come together. We all awoke to the searing reality that the events of the previous day had, in fact, happened, and we were not just caught up in a bad dream.
But it was the Day After that we began to hear the stories of bravery and goodness and sacrifice. It was the Day After that we began to develop the determination and the resiliency to look ahead. It was the Day After that we began to stand together as a nation, to pray together, to rally together, and to move forward together.
Today, as much as that Day After, we need these very things. We’ve experienced an attack from an evil, insidious enemy that has come to take our health, bring chaos and confusion, and pit us against one another: race versus rice, liberal versus conservative, healthy versus sick, and even mask wearer versus non-mask wearer.
Let us be reminded that “We war not against flesh and blood [contending only with physical opponents] but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this [present] darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly (supernatural) places. (Ephesians 6:12 AMP) And “the weapons of our warfare are not of this world. Instead they have the power of God to demolish strongholds. We tear down arguments.” (2 Corinthians 10:4 ISV)
Let’s let today be our Day After. Let’s take hold of our weapons (the Word of God, prayer of agreement, and spiritual authority). Lets pray in unity, rally in unity, and move forward in unity. Let us regain the determination and resiliency to fight an unseen enemy, and let’s stand again as the United States of America.